Faccia Brutto Fernet Pianta 750 ml
It has a dark brown color and offers herbal and mint aromas on the nose. On the palate, dry spices and herbal notes are revealed, balanced with just the right amount of sugar that invites another sip. Whether after a meal or as an afternoon indulgent to wind down into the evening, this Fernet Pianta offers a smooth and pleasant experience.
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Fernet Pianta is a love letter to both Patrick's grandfather, Peter Pianta, and all the line cooks he ever worked with. Pete used to make tinctures for his grandmother when he needed digestive help, and his friends line cooks for him, well, they needed relief after a long night of service.
21 ingredients, including saffron, myrrh, aloe ferox, peppermint and gentian root, are blended in a neutral, non-GMO grain liqueur for two weeks.
Water is then added and filtered, then sugar and organic mint oil are added before bottling. This fernet has much less sugar than more alternative brands and is naturally colored with roasted chicory root.
Faccia Brutto, founded by Patrick Miller, a former chef with 14 years of restaurant experience, is known for its delicious, natural Italian liqueurs. Miller makes these spirits in Brooklyn following traditional methods and using sustainable botanical sources. Despite the grammatically incorrect name, Miller embraces the playful aspect of it. With 20 years in the hospitality industry and a lifelong love of Italian spirits, Miller has channeled his passion into this brand.