Tequila Don Julio Añejo 750 ml
Barrel aged in smaller batches for eighteen months in American white-oak barrels, Don Julio® Añejo Tequila is a testament to the craft of making a superior tasting, aged tequila. Rich, distinctive and wonderfully complex, its flavor strikes the perfect balance between agave, wood and hints of vanilla. Best experienced neat in a snifter or simply on the rocks.
Product for delivery in the Escazú area (see deliveries)
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The photographs are for reference only, the label may vary.
Nose: A fresh blend of lime, grapefruit and mandarin citrus aromas with a rich touch of caramel
Aging: 18 months
Taste: Full-bodied and complex with expressions of cooked agave, wild honey and oak-infused butterscotch
Finish: Bright and lightly spiced finish with the essence of wild honey