Tequila Herradura Blanco 750 ml
Herradura uses only the healthiest and most mature agaves from the plantation, which are cooked in traditional clay ovens before being distilled, as it used to be done for more than 100 years. As is characteristic of a white tequila, these are not kept in barrels, as they do not undergo an aging process, so it is a young tequila in which a much purer agave flavor is noticeable.
Product for delivery in the Escazú area (see deliveries)
Our prices are for reference, You can request a quote at the top of this page.
The photographs are for reference only, the label may vary.
Herradura Plata has a distinctive sweet agave flavor and subtle oak notes thanks to its resting an additional 45 days in American white oak barrels. The prolonged aging process creates a light straw color with a unique and robust aroma of cooked agave, vanilla and wood with a touch of freshness.
Aged in barrels for an additional 45 days than the industry standard to offer a smooth and unmatched flavor
Data sheet
- ML
- 750
- 40%