Faccia Brutto Centerbe 750 ml
This is their version of a European herbal liqueur that is refreshing and delicious.
They use a variety of fresh and dried herbs in their blend and macerate them in a neutral, non-GMO grain liquor. Dried herbs such as lemon balm, anise hyssop, nettles and coriander are macerated for a full week, while fresh herbs such as parsley, tarragon, bay leaves and marjoram are steeped overnight to preserve the color and freshness. The resulting tincture is adjusted and sweetened with organic cane sugar before being bottled with a lively 45% ALC.
This ancient and closely guarded blend of herbs, flowers and sacred botanicals, Centerbe (Hundred Herbs) is no longer just for monks.
Product for delivery in the Escazú area (see deliveries)
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Faccia Brutto Centerbe captivates the palate with its intense herbal bouquet, featuring notes of mint, anise, citrus and a touch of bitterness. The complex blend of botanicals unfolds with each sip, revealing layers of earthiness and a lovely herbal finish that lingers.
Faccia Brutto, founded by Patrick Miller, a former chef with 14 years of restaurant experience, is known for its delicious, natural Italian liqueurs. Miller makes these spirits in Brooklyn following traditional methods and using sustainable botanical sources. Despite the grammatically incorrect name, Miller embraces the playful aspect of it. With 20 years in the hospitality industry and a lifelong love of Italian spirits, Miller has channeled his passion into this brand.
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